Feeding Time With The Tiger — Digital Diary:
I wanted a place to keep all of my alterhumanity notes (and some vaguely related personal entries) together and in chronological order. I'll be using this to keep track of noemata, interesting shifts, gripes with the community, and new or important revelations in regards to my kintypes and similar.
This page was created on 07/12/2022, older entries are from my notes app or old social media posts.
About the last entry, I did actually get around to playing. It was... fine? Better than expected. I'm back in an apprehensive avoidance right now but over a week or so in December I finished the game and I unlocked 35 achievements — over half, and much more than I got on Xbox 360. I would like to 100% it sometime but I am way too bad at the combat to tackle some of those more difficult ones anytime soon. I imagine Amateur Radio Operator (listening to almost every Codec call in the game) will be extra tough for me, too. Small steps.
What I did want to write this time are some grievances about some of my peers who used to be close with metaphysical fictionkin communities and then 'grew up'. Due to kin for fun being prevalent these days, these kinds of people often choose to stick around the exterior of the community, and act smugly superior about being more normal and mature than the rest of us — spreading misinformation about how no self-respecting adult genuinely believes they are a character anymore, it was all just a weirdo teen phase on Tumblr; that people who did either grew out of it or were diagnosed with schizophrenia or DID. I would really rather these people had their revelations and then pissed off.
It strikes me as just like... Redditor anti-theist posturing. Even though not all fictionfolk hold spiritual beliefs, it's all subjected to the same kind of treatment. It's mentally ill, unhealthy, childish stupidity, to find purpose in something that is not based enough in reality. I guess it's the fear of being seen as 'not an adult' as they get older too, it's harder to be eccentric and many get beaten down. A real adult can't have non-acceptable forms of escapism, be anything other than a suit-wearing, tax-paying paper-pusher with a mortgage, spouse, and kids. You're too grown to be saying you're a character in any way that isn't comparing your personalities. As people experience this pressure, drop out of what brought them joy as a teenager, and project this onto those who didn't, it only continues.
Honestly? It doesn't make me feel sad or insecure in myself. It makes me feel more sure. More pretentious. I know what this identity is. I have always admired fictionkind for what it originally meant, if it was always 'normal', I'd have nothing to study. Nobody interesting to talk to. What the hell is interesting about a 'kinning' that is so afraid of authenticity they slap the face of others? It is very rare for a fictionkind identity to be more unhealthy than a neutral or positive force in life (and in that case, it is not disordered), and it's more often than not recommended by therapists for giving both a strong sense of self and community. It is really not that weird and scary. It breaks my heart a little that the fictionkind community is shrinking (or being built around, at least) and it's becoming harder to tell where I can speak of deeper experiences casually without being mocked as immature for it. I've navigated this for a decade. If anything, I'm growing into it. I learn more about myself all the time, and age has given me the time to hone skills to give more to the community and myself.
Something I've had a problem with for a long time, but never written about before, is the deep visceral discomfort with re-experiencing my own source. I struggle to pick up the games, watching clips is a test of tolerance, and I'm uncomfortable with most themes of fanart. I have not played DMC3 or 5 in years, I only don't really care for this aspect because I already know everything and don't desire to revisit. I probably wasn't going to replay anyway (I expect it to haunt me when that anime comes out, though). The problem arises now that I've tried to pick up the Metal Gear games again.
I know this could be easily fixed by avoidance - just don't look at them at all anymore - but I don't want that to be the solution. I like the games! I bought a PC copy of MGR:R very recently (formerly I played on console), hoping to 100% the achievements this time and display it on my profile, but even after spending each day over the past few weeks looking forward to playing, I can't even get past the title screen without tapping out. As it stands... so much for finishing the game, let alone grinding those trophies.
More embarrassingly, this was a predictable scenario. This isn't new. My initial playthrough went fine, but once I knew about and could anticipate events, each subsequent exposure left me nauseous with anxiety, shame, or guilt. This time last year, I watched a longplay of MGR:R with a friend of mine who was curious to know my fictotype from it, and despite the understanding company it left me worse for wear. I can't count the amount of times I had to admit I didn't like a certain part, that I found the mission we were up to distressing, and went silent until it passed. By the end of the night I was beaten down emotionally. Once we moved onto MGS2, we didn't even finish it together. Towards the final act of the game I never felt I was in the right mood for it.
I don't want something like this to cause such a negative reaction in me. I rarely, if ever, see others speak about something similar so I feel batshit insane about taking it so seriously when the majority experience is enjoying your source. Few feel this torn between wanting to engage with it but finding the experience itself deeply unpleasant. There's another layer of awkwardness with MGR:R in particular: to everyone but me that game's the joke one, so why do I find it this harrowing? I have to do it but I don't know how I can approach reconditioning myself so I can finally enjoy, not dread, playing what are essentially my favourite games.
Today was my 9th anniversary within the therian community! I'm very proud of how far I've come in terms of understanding myself, the concepts, and contributing to the community. I'm pretty excited for my decade milestone next year, I'll have to do something to celebrate.
I've been considering branching off from essays and articles and creating short creative writing pieces based on my noemata, featuring my fictotypes. I would either stealthily pass it off as fanfiction (and therefore putting it on AO3 under a pseudonym) or just as fictionfolk writing for here and the Fictionkind Dreamwidth. There's a few things in particular that I believe I could tackle very well by writing from the heart in this sense. I'm not sure, though. The emotional impact it would have on me to share these things publicly, things that are very personal, might outweigh the benefit someone else would get from reading it and liking how it portrays their blorbo. And what if they don't like how it portrays their blorbo and criticises things that to me are my own memories that I can't change. I would hate to go through that vulnerability for it to not be appreciated or even looked at.
I know the 'Beast of Burden' is not a recognised archetype but after thinking about the archetropy panel for the past year, I really think this would be me. I have a very specific view of it that's difficult to describe (perhaps I'll turn this into a proper essay later to do so), but in my sense of it I believe it would be an nonhuman animal archetype as opposed to a human one. The human interpretation of the beast of burden, the workhorse or the pack mule, is someone who works diligently and carries literal weights for others and is very steeped in a human idea of 'working hard'. Which misses the mark a little for me. I was lost on this for a while, struggling to find an external source to point to, until I watched the film Au Hasard Balthazar. In this film, the 'beast of burden' is taken literally; the titular character is a silent, expressionless, donkey that bears literal and metaphorical burdens of other characters for the whole film until it dies in a field surrounded by sheep. That's the kind of burden I was thinking, rather than solely limited to labour. The beast carries burdens on its back for its companion, keeps ploughing ahead, and it does so without expectation of reward.
Some definitions of the term itself include all working animals, such as herding and guardian dogs, which would easily tie into my connection with the archetype of the livestock guardian dog (another one that is probably vastly personal and nonhuman-based).
I think something that really shifted the way I looked at my own therianthropy was deciding not to to question with the goal of uncovering what singular thing I Truly Was but what was the ideal form my current sense of self took. Two similar concepts but different in a way I can't properly describe. I spent so much energy changing my mind, doubting every little thing, and being like "what if this other thing is what's right..." before scrapping my progress and bounding off to check out a new possible theriotype species. I was desperately chasing this idea of the one immutable thing that would make everything fit into place without ever considering that my identity doesn't work that way.
Now that I've looked at it differently and decided the most fitting reflection of me is a tiger things have settled. I've given myself a tangible thing to point at but not one that's boxed me in or forced me to make an extremely final decision. I don't have to question forever but I don't have to stick with anything either. If I change over time my identity will change with me, I suppose that's one of the natures of psychological kintypes.
Something I've been thinking about over a long while now: I have these lingering feelings and strong connections with certain people I was close to as my fictotype and fictional synpath. Partners, close friends, family members. I see them as nearly as important as those of equivalent roles in my current life. I consider my past friends still my friends, my brother on par with my brother from this life, I am still dating my partners as far as I'm concerned. It can be a little upsetting sometimes, and contribute to my homesickness, but it does make me happy to keep them in my life in some form or other.
I know I should not judge those making their first steps into the community, and I'm not, I was there once too after all, but it is rather frustrating to see the same discourse, the same bad takes, the same self-doubt, and the same unanswerable questions over and over in spaces with a large "I found therianthropy from a TikTok a few months ago" population.
I want to be there to give advice and proper information, to lend a guiding hand that I did not have when I was in that position, but I cannot look inside somebody and tell them everything about their therianthropic identity or tell them if they are or are not indeed a therianthrope. Nobody can do that. It's even dangerous to assume someone has that type of special ability. They need to do the legwork themselves because that is the only reliable way of coming to conclusions on one's self. They need to build the confidence to trust that they are correct about their own self, rather than rely on strangers to decide for them. I can give them the tools for this, but I can't give them an answer they're asking for. It still seems like a very poor piece of advice, though.
I feel as if my nonhumanity influences my social needs and behaviour a lot. As an adult tiger I have no need for friendships nor long-term relationships: after I had left my littermates and my mother the only other tigers I would have encountered were potential mates and territorial rivals. So in my human life I see no need for close non-sexual relationships, oftentimes I feel threatened by others encroaching on my privacy or boundaries.
I tend to hold everyone I am around at arm's length, say no more or spend no more energy than I wish to, and I don't seek out many new close connections. I consider myself both aromantic and aplatonic. I am usually okay with this lifestyle, I chose solitude and I enjoy my own company both off and online so I don't get very lonely, or at least I can last longer alone than the majority of people. However, obviously this body is one of a very social animal so I cannot go completely without interaction, as much as I wish I could.
I don't mind being approached for conversation, giving advice, information, or guidance to others, being considered a good friend, or being invited to hang out now and then, in fact I enjoy being wanted and thought of and I like the company of others when I want it, but when it becomes too commonplace or casual I begin to feel crowded and act defensively or aggressively to protect the space I have placed between us. Perhaps it is an unhealthy way to go about it, but I would feel more distressed if I forced myself to have normal relationships and potentially hurt others in the process by lashing out.
It hurts sometimes, I won't say I'm completely unfazed. It gnaws at my heart to think of the unbreachable wall between me and everyone else, the way I feel a million miles away even among my closest of friends, the way human dynamics and communication confounds me no matter how hard I try and study up on it, the sorrow I feel watching others fit in and bond with such ease while I cannot grasp even the slightest bit of social aptitude. I wish I could leave this pain behind me and shed my human ties to be an animal, to let my behaviour become natural and right and loveable, and more importantly to finally be happily left alone.
Fanart of my fictotypes is such a strange topic for me. I have moments when I adore it: I'm flattered to be loved enough to be drawn, I even collect the ones I like most on my phone. Other times it frightens me. I become angry. Suddenly I don't want to be depicted, drawn, or looked at; I feel uncomfortable and sick after seeing myself. I tend to have long periods of disliking and avoiding using art or even screenshots of myself as a profile picture anywhere. I just find it embarrassing, too personal, or too needy, in the same way I don't like sharing and using selfies.
It's actually a Tell for me when I question a synpath or a kintype, because with fictional 'types I feel this self-consciousness and a need to scrub myself off the fanbase's memory that I wouldn't feel for any other character. Obviously I can't and won't dictate what people create, since I don't own the character from the game, just a weird feeling.
I see it less on Tumblr these days, but I've seen it twice on Vent lately (bewildering): people staunchly defining otherkin as purely spiritual, past-life based, and everything else is fake, kin for fun, or less serious. Otherkin and fictionkin with psychological, mixed, or otherwise not purely spiritual origins have been around since the dawn of the communities, and they are not any lesser than past-life kin. Having a kintype as a natural quirk of the mind, a product of mental illness or neurodivergency, or a coping mechanism, or other reason will always be a real kintype if one describes it as such. I will always stand against spiritual gatekeepers: there is no one valid way to be or experience otherkinity, all you need is the sincere identity, I absolutely despise the "because of a past life" clause on some people's definitions of 'kin. Psychological and non past-life 'kin have always been otherkin, and anyone who still turns their nose up at someone with genuine experiences and a genuine identity because there was no past-life origin will be left behind embittered. If I had the chance to discover my psychological origins earlier without being pushed against by the majority spiritual views of the community, I would have been so much less confused about myself.
I'm really really grateful that the general alterhuman community is a thing at all even if it's mostly online. If I hadn't found out about it on the internet and joined in I would have gone through my whole life thinking I was uniquely weird and embarrassing and completely alone. My years on various platforms and websites talking about being kin and everything related to it and making friends over it has been really eye opening and it still is, I still think it's wonderful that even a few other people feel this way and we also have such a variety of experiences and backgrounds.
But this whole time I've completely lacked the in-person part, such as local packs, especially from when I was 12-15 and I wanted a friend group like that most. I joined too late and too young to attend Howls, and living in the middle of nowhere meant the only people similar to me in that aspect was the one other furry in school who I'd never spoken to. I would watch videos of packs going out into the forest wearing tails and playing and being themselves and I would be so upset that I was missing out, and I was unable to go out and do that even by myself. I don't feel that way as strongly these days because I'm both used to it and adult tigers are mostly solitary anyway. Regardless I still think it would have done me so much good to be able to like let loose around people who didn't think I was a freak.
Not so much with finding new friends but I think if I started dating again I would definitely look to exclusively date other nonhumans if by some miracle I met any nearby or someone was receptive to it if I mentioned it. I would probably be so much happier and more chilled out that way, because a lot of my issues with romantic relationships came from me rejecting every embarrassing trait I had and then just becoming a shell of myself not knowing how to express, feel, or enjoy anything that's important in average human relationships, which sucks for everyone involved.
Just having that shared identity and shared experience with someone in person would be great, you can't headbutt and vocalise and play wrestle and curl up next to people on the internet and I would feel extremely weird doing that in person with someone who didn't at least understand, even if they didn't reciprocate that way.
I believe being a tiger or at the very least an animal is an unchangeable part of me because "I am an animal. I'm aware of the human body and human life I was born into but I was not meant to be this way and I refuse to be" has been my sincere sense of self since at least 6 years old, even if the species itself has changed over the years. I asserted that fact about me a lot as a child before I realised it was strange and I probably shouldn't. I don't remember feeling any differently, I don't know how to be human either, so it probably isn't going to leave me.
Being a nonhuman animal affects every part of my life in both a positive and negative way and has done so since I can remember. I perceive the world as a tiger, my thoughts and behaviour and personality and instincts are that of a tiger, I experience pretty much every other aspect of my self through an animal-like lens, I constantly feel the sensations of paws and muzzle and other body parts of tigers. I have horrible discomfort with my visibly human body and I struggle maintaining close IRL relationships when the other person doesn't know any of this about me and cannot accommodate it.
I have seen myself as an animal for years, and years, and years, long before finding the therian community; I don't think this will ever truly go away even if I can cope with it and get distractions in my life that push the more uncomfortable parts into the background.
My fictionkind identity is different, it isn't spiritual and my fictionkinity developed suddenly later on in my mid teens when I was already in the wider kin community. I cycled through a few different characters before settling on just one. I don't think I was born him, or reincarnated from him, and I hardly had any tell-tale experiences early on to really convince me it was always there and meant to be.
I think I developed this to have a more-or-less concrete sense of self as a character that I felt close to and something to focus on to escape my own bad life situation. If I am him and not me I can think about his own memories and experiences, I can theorise about him and my connection to him, I can love fictional characters to replicate the love I can't feel for anyone else, I can connect with people who are other characters from the games, I can make art and write essays and creative pieces about him, I can be seen as him and not whoever I am beneath that. I think if I got stronger mentally and was in a better place physically I just wouldn't need Vergil anymore, at least not to the degree I do now.
It doesn't make me any less serious about it or him any less me, I'm not dropping him either, I really don't feel ready to let go of him anytime soon, but I think making peace now with the idea of "yeah. this probably isn't forever. this will benefit my life until it doesn't anymore and then I can try to move on" helps I guess? I might stay like this for 20 more years, who knows, but I think it's more than likely that it isn't lasting forever like my animality is. Don't take this to mean psychological fictionkinity is a phase, or inherently less, because that isn't true whatsoever. Identity can both be a lifelong, hardly changing, thing and one that changes and morphs with new experiences and new understanding. Both are equally real experiences.
I was thinking about the events after DMC5 ended and Dante and I returned after cutting down the Qliphoth tree. Obviously it didn't immediately go back to normal when we went back to usual life, I was not warmly welcomed back with open arms, and I was not forgiven or even properly trusted at first. I think that would be a pretty shallow and cliché way to wrap up the events of 5 and all the other games because I was absolutely awful, there is no other way about it, but things did get better. I had learnt a lot from what happened to me after the events of DMC3 and my whole time as V, I had a whole lot to regret and repent for, and I had things I wanted to work through rather than shove down. I was getting too old for all the fighting and bitterness anyway.
I stuck around (well, had nowhere better to go) and fumbled through trying to have a normal family relationship again, and it went okay? I guess? Me and Dante had never hated each other, we just had conflicting views and got in each other's way all of the time, which lead to our fights, and once we butted heads less severely and without as many weapons we got along like normal siblings. It was nice to have him back properly, the last time we had really talked and were casual with one another was when we were children. He welcomed me back properly after a week, maybe a few days, I can't recall exactly what was said though.
Nero took a lot longer to come around, unsurprisingly, it did hurt but I had definitely hurt him more than his words could. I apologised a lot, and I did try my hardest to make it up to him, and give as much of an honest explanation as I could. I can't remember if it was months or even years later but he did grow to outwardly tolerate, maybe even like, me. He still always called me by my first name, or he called me father sarcastically as an insult, but I remember once he genuinely called me Dad and it meant enough to me that I still think about it now. I remember one time he came to me to ask about his mother, and I talked about how even though my time with her was very short I had never forgotten her and how I genuinely felt adoration for her, and he seemed pleased with that answer. We read my poetry book together once, it was late at night and I was flicking through it; he came over and sat right next to me to read quietly along, and began pointing out a few poems and lines he had enjoyed when he read it after I gave it to him.
I hugged him at some point, and I apologised and said I wish I had known about him sooner, and he tightened his grip on me and cried.
I miss it. There's a large uncertain gap in knowledge right after "everything is more or less okay and I am laughing with my family and happy for the first time" so I just hope everything stayed that good.
The logical part of my mind knows me being a character is a quirk of a mind, an autism thing, compensation for my lack of a human-like identity, me subconsciously relating to a character so heavily that I now believe I am the character, or something. That any 'memories' I have are just imagination filling in the gaps and while they are genuinely meaningful and real to me they never actually happened. The other half of me desperately wants to believe that I actually Was and Am him and everything I feel and remember is genuinely real and even though I was probably not reincarnated my life paused for some reason and I will go back to it eventually.
I filled out an otherhearted survey, and the real-life person hearttype category really stood out to me.
I've been trying to find the right words and a reason to talk about this for months now; I really didn't want it to be misconstrued. But anyway: the real-life historical figure Vergil.
I've always inexplicably felt like we're the same person or otherwise extremely similar and linked somehow, even if he existed 2000 years ago, we have obviously never met, and historians barely know anything concrete about his life other than his writing. There's just been this connection between us for years through various forms, and I don't think it's just celebrity worship, just liking someone, or having a hero. I can't properly describe it but there's just Something there that I don't feel for anyone else, even other people I heavily relate to. There's this extremely deep and innate familiarity there that I can't ignore or explain away I guess? Out of every existing human in the world, both living and historical, it's just him I feel this way towards for some reason.
Relevant backstory: I read Inferno for the first time when I was 13; I immediately loved it and I have considered it my all-time favourite book since. I saw myself in The Divine Comedy's version of Vergil first. I didn't know he was an actual poet until the last year or so, or at least I had never properly read his writing or about him until then. I renewed my interest in Inferno in late 2021, and extended my interest to the guy himself. Around this time I also picked the name Vergil for myself, to reflect my affinity for that original fictionalised version of him.
I got into Devil May Cry a little later, last December, because of my interest in Inferno (which it's loosely based on) and there being a Vergil in it, and unsurprisingly I gained the games' version of Vergil as an actual kintype.
I don't know if DMC Vergil has any bearing on my feelings about Actual Vergil and Divine Comedy Vergil, since they are nowhere near the same other than sharing a name and vaguely a personality. Me being a character with the same name could just be pure coincidence, but I think I should mention it anyway. I could feel this way just because I'm sort of based on him as that Vergil, but it feels weird to say that retrospectively since compared to Inferno, my DMC interest and fictionkin experience is very recent.
In early 2022 I began to read into real-life Vergil's biography, or at least what we can guess of his life, and his works. I felt like everything was just. so Right, lots of things matched up to me, even though I didn't know these things beforehand. The way he talks about nature, his affinity for animals, his personality and the way others described him, it's just. Wow.
I did sincerely consider factkin a few times but I don't really think I am. However, I might just hate to use such a stigmatised word and would rather find something less loaded or just never talk about it. Even if this would be less creepy or farfetched to people since there's over 2000 years between our lives and reincarnation explanations are a believable possibility.
Sometimes I really hate how much fandom and the fictionfolk communities intersect and clash, I know it's obviously pretty unavoidable for the most part, but it's like all decency goes out of the window. It's either being asked about discourse or things you don't care about, people assuming you being a character = you agreeing with the character or being 1:1 that character in canon. Or on the other side of the coin, someone treating you like a beloved blorbo meet and greet instead of just the 'some guy' you actually are. I think about forsaking the fictionkin community and only talking about being a tiger but if I did that I'd feel guilty and insincere. Someone has to stick around here, despite it all.
Being exposed to so much 'kinning [x] character is a sign that you're a bad person now' and similar discourse + sentiment early on in my fictionkind awakening definitely did something to how I perceive my own fictotype, and how I think other people will perceive me. I've gone to lengths to avoid directly naming Vergil in introduction posts, or even avoiding mentioning I'm fictionkin at all, out of shame. Even though nobody in serious 'kin spaces would think it was a genuine red flag because they know it doesn't signal anything good or bad about me now. Hell, even people who do believe that sort of thing probably wouldn't even target me because he's a well-liked character. But it still eats at me.
I don't genuinely think I'm (or anyone else is) inherently an awful person for just being a character who happens to be shitty. I know I didn't consciously choose it and I'm not using my fictotype as an excuse to be an edgelord or do awful things right now, which is the bare minimum really, but there's still always an inward cringe and a twinge of shame every time I talk about him in first person, or write him into my kintype section for a server or forum. It's stupid, I know, and I can't really say it in a way that makes sense but [gestures vaguely] it's just lingering guilt probably.
Today I started researching topics for a kin-related essay the Draconic Summit inspired me to write: I'm looking at dragon folklore and symbolism, especially when it comes to the biblical devil represented by a dragon because that's pretty easy to apply, what some common definitions and unifying characteristics of dragons are, and what it tends to feel like to be a dragon in an otherkin sense.
I'm putting all of it together so I can refer to it while I write about how it can apply to me and whether/why I should consider my experiences at least dragon-aligned. Mostly so I can properly convince myself that I do have a place in the draconic community, and so I'll have a concrete piece of writing to put forward if I ever need to assert or explain that.
I'm also compiling a list of good resources as I find them / request them because I haven't included many things about the dragonkin community on my webpage yet.
It'll take me a while to get past the research and draft stage because dragons and even just dragonkin are a very broad topic and I don't know much about... any of it. I also hate writing about myself like this, which doesn't help when the essay is meant to be about me, and deeply about me at that, but I'm excited to finally put it all into words somewhere.
Others, at least how I notice it, tend to see synpaths, hearttypes, and linktypes as kin-lite or otherwise lesser on a hierarchy of importance or validity, but actually I find that the things that I've 'chosen' so to speak have just as much or more of an influence on my life. I have two kintypes, I am them every day all the time, I enjoy being them most of the time, but it can get a little monotonous.
I can bring in and include these other characters and creatures. Ones that I feel a genuine strong connection with, a connection that I sought out and nurtured and integrated into me rather than was just there for me to stumble on, these are my linktypes. I have others that Are me in a sense, as in I'm aligned with them in personality, I see myself in them, or I have some deep meaningful connection to them, without being them in the same way I am my kintypes. Those would be my synpaths and hearttypes. Birds, dragons, and a few fictional characters.
I like to be seen as these and to be called by their names, I want to model after their better traits. Sometimes they're just associated with a lot of things I'm close to, Raiden's probably the best example for that. I don't identify as him, but he has a similar aesthetic to Vergil in his most recent game, which drew me to him initially. I find him comforting and inspiring because I have Blade Wolf as a synpath, and I relate to his association with lightning since I have Raikou and similar storm-related creatures as hearttypes. However, not having him as a kintype doesn't actually take away from anything or make it any less important to me. I don't see myself as less him because of him being a linktype, it still has a similar impact in my life, I even experience a range of things usually seen as just reserved for kintypes too, like noemata.
I am writing this while waiting for The Draconic Summit to start. This event seems more dragonkin-centric and I'm dragonhearted instead. However, I can still relate to a lot of these people's experiences because I feel dragons are that closely tied to me. I am not a dragon but I am a dragon in every other way, if that makes any sense. I feel very close to the culture of dragons so to speak and at home among dragons. It might be because I grew up idolising dragons, or it might be because my fictotype looks a bit like one, but either way I feel like they're intrinsically tied to my being.
Maybe it's just because I have had a similar lived experience because of my otherkinity or I'm projecting and it isn't as obvious as I think, but I don't think the fandom talks enough (or at all?) about Vergil's relationship with his species / humanity, and how that would have been important in or possibly manifested in his life.
It's his whole spiel that he represses the human side of him and has done so since very young: he doesn't identify as or with humanity at all, to a lesser extent he dislikes humans, and instead of a half-devil he sees himself as just a devil. That view / identity wasn't fully innate (as far as I know), it was caused or at least made predominant by multiple life events, and was a response to being made to feel powerless in his part-human body and losing his human mother, but I don't think that discredits it as a unique experience. There's words for coping mechanism / trauma-caused nonhumanity in an alterhuman sense after all, and it functions similar. The main thing here is that he identifies with and as something less human than he is physically.
Obviously the premise is a bit different from otherkin identity because in his case he is literally half-human half-nonhuman and it's an actual physical possibility to be fully [x] side (which he did manage for a bit), rather than a philosophical/spiritual/psychological/etc. nonhuman identity with a human body like it is for me and most people now. I also doubt he conceptualised it in the same ways as current nonhumans do.
Anyway, it makes me wonder what he might have experienced regarding that while it was in full swing. Was there some degree of species dysphoria / discomfort with his human body and it's mechanisms? Did he feel extra phantom sensations of things not present on the devil trigger(s), or parts of Urizen before he made that a reality, did he feel his devil form a lot outside of devil trigger? Did he express behaviours and instincts that would look out of place or was difficult to do from a humanoid body? Did he consistently picture himself in his mind in a distinctly nonhuman way? Or have dreams about being / becoming a nonhumanoid devil somehow? Some of these would go for part-devils regardless, but I think it'd be amplified more in his case, from not repressing it and for seeing himself as more demonic than human.
You could think definitely about this through an otherkin lens with V, since he is fully human. He knows Vergil, he knows he is Vergil, because he kept the memories Vergil shed. Does he have any kind of self as a devil, even half-devil? Did he experience devilish instincts and phantom limbs even in his human body detached from Vergil? My noemata doesn't cover these things in a way that seems definit to me, so it's interesting to think about.