The bull is primordial masculinity, strength, ferocity, virility, dominance, and ardour. He is a patient guardian, a gentle guide, the diligent protector and caregiver of his beloved herd. He is abundance and prosperity. He is at home with the familiar, the order he creates, and agitated without. Either bull or man – those he deems a threat to his harem and his offspring are met with his lowered head adorned with lethal instruments as he fights to defend them. As his counterpart and equal, the cow is maternity, femininity, tenderness, divinity, and serenity. The cow gives life to all and nourishes strength with her milk. She protects her own just as boldly as the bull.

Man depicted the wild bull in his majesty from the moment they created art, to harness his spirit and pay homage to his power. There still he runs with his family on the cavern walls. They tamed the noble bull and became the custodians of him and his herd. The bull and cow provided man with tools, clothing, transport, agriculture, wealth, and sustenance. They were beings to revere, and precious sacrificial beasts. The bull's aggression is taken advantage of to flirt with death itself. You grab him by the horns, ride on his back for eight seconds, pierce his hide in the ring, flee him, for a rush, to brush against his brutality and survive. He is a persistent worker - a tolerant, surefooted, learner, and like a terrestrial Atlas the world is carried upon his back.